Friday, 31 May 2013

Race Report - Iron Knee 2013

Time: 2:27:06
M4049 – 12/20
Overall – 71/166
Shoes: Brooks Pure Grit 2

Every race has it’s lessons, some more than others. A few things I learned from last weekend’s Iron Knee trail race:

1) I really need to get out on the trails more (I’ve only been on technical trails once in the last 6 months and broke my elbow). 
2) Trails are a full body workout.
3) I did better than I expected, considering lack of trail training. 
4) I’m now paying for doing better than expected (Quads! The humanity!)

Last weekend’s Iron Knee was a lot of fun. Met up with Greg and Rob at 5:30am and hit the road. We had to drop the car off at the finish line at Deep Cove and then catch a shuttle over to Grouse for the start.

Because we had to leave all but what we were running with in the car, it was definitely a little chilly waiting around for 45 minutes for the race start. Fortunately we were able to catch up with some running buds in the meantime, some I’d only ever socialized with on Twitter, like Damian and the indefatigable Solana.

I was warned about the climbing in this race and it was all justified. At 8am we charged straight up Nancy Greene way for a kilometer and a half. After that, some access road stretches and switchback up to the trail head. (It took me about the first 3km to finally feel my toes again. brrr)

Photo by Jay from

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Race Report: BMO Vancouver Marathon 2013

Short version: Despite it being a really warm day everything came together nicely. Training was consistent. No injuries. No virus’ on race week. Tapered, carb-loaded and rested well. Planned my race and raced my plan. Aiming for 3:20 but still managed new personal best of 3:24:37, taking nearly 4 minutes off my previous PB.

Chip: 3:24:37
Place Overall: 280 out of 3978
Men: 237 out of 2813
M 40-44: 30 out of 430

Shoes: Brooks Pure Flow 2
Gels: Vega Orange Zest / Raspberry

Read on if you want the full wordy experience.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Race Report: First 1/2 Half Marathon 2013

I was really looking forward to this race having not run a half marathon since April of last year. The First 1/2 Half Marathon is a great event on a nice flat course that brings out lots of fast runners who use it as the start of their season
I’ve been feeling good and running strong lately but I’ve only just got back into any kind of hill or speed work so wasn’t sure if my speed would be up to par. That being said, I thought if everything went really well I could maybe pull off a 1:35 (a 2 minute PB). 
Woke up to a surprisingly clear, crisp morning and I started with my usual green smoothie (as well as peanut butter, banana and pumpkin seeds on a couple of rice cakes). After my usual warm-up routine, I got Leah to drop me off 3 km’s from the starting line so I could run an easy warm-up before the race. 

2012 Running Recap

Total km's - 1983
February 12 - Vancouver First Half - Half Marathon 1:41:42 
April 1 - April Fools Half Marathon (Gibsons) 1:37:34 (PB) 
May 6 - BMO Vancouver Marathon 42.2k - 3:48:44 
June 9 - 5 PEAKS Trail Series - Alice Lake 11k - 1:12:38 
July 14 - Siskiyou Out Back (SOB) 50k (trail) - 6:07 
September 9 - COHO Run - 14k - 1:00:14
October 7 - Portland Marathon  42.2k - 3:27:58 (PB)
December 1 - Gunner Shaw Memorial 10k (cross country) - 44:29 
Considering I came into 2012 recovering from a nasty hamstring/groin injury, it turned out to be a pretty great year of running. Once I started compiling my list I was also surprised to find that I ran more races than in 2011. 
It was definitely another year of learning and improving as I found myself going deeper down the rabbit hole of distance running. I didn't have a real plan or goal going into 2012, other than to run another couple marathons and attempt to improve my times.

It's official... I'm leading the January marathon clinic! (October 2012)

As of January I’ll be leading the Marathon Clinic out of the Running Room at Broadway & Fir. I have some rather large shoes to fill from my inspirational predecessors, Dave & Greg (quite literally size 14 in Greg’s case). I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in four previous clinics under their tutelage and have definitely become a better runner because of it. I only hope to continue the …
While officially titled an “Instructor,” I prefer to think of myself as more of a Cruise Director, ensuring the curriculum is followed, routes are planned, and that participants are getting their allotted shuffleboard and umbrella electrolyte drinks. 
I'm currently putting routes together and starting to book speakers. Here's 

Sign up for the clinic here: 

Race Report – Portland Marathon 2012 (October 2012)

First off, Leah and I always enjoy the amazing food, books, shopping, coffee, and all ‘round creativity that are intrinsic to Portland culture. Signing up for a marathon road trip there on a long weekend was a no-brainer. There was also a strong contingent of Vancouver runners fromGreg's marathon clinic signed up which made it even more fun. 
I needed this race to go well. While I'm still a novice marathoner, my first three marathons had me feeling like the "Blow Up" Kid. I would train well but have the wheels come off in the race around 30km's every time. Finally, all the factors I've been working on in the latest training cycle seem to have clicked.

We booked a little late and it was a busy weekend, so ended up in a cheap hotel across the river from downtown. It was rundown but reasonably clean. All good. (Fortunately the streetcar that kept us up all night was also the one that dropped us a couple blocks from the marathon start line downtown).  

Race morning the train was stuffed-to-overflowing with hyper, excited runners (Leah’s own personal hell :)). Apparently there were a lot of us out-of-towner’s staying across the bridge.

Race Report: Siskiyou Out Back (SOB) 50k (July 23, 2012)

Never ran 50k. Never ran more than 12k on trails. What could go wrong?

I’m happy to report, not a whole lot! (OK, there was a near DNF moment and a good wipeout late in the race, but more on that later… ).

My buddy Mathew ran the course in 2011 as his first 50k and really enjoyed the experience. We chatted in March of this year, and with a bit of coaxing (and likely some wine courage), I was signed-up and we were ready to roll.

My anxiety was high in the weeks leading up to my first ultra. I’ve been running marathons less than 2 years, and while I’d previously completed three marathons in reasonable times, I’ve never finished particularly strong, usually blowing-up somewhere around 30k and struggling to the finish line. So why not add another 8km. On trails. With some decent elevation?

RAN | VAN - 2012 BMO Vancouver Marathon (May 2012)

I have to say this was the most nervous I've ever been going into any race. My ITB was acting up a few weeks out from race day, which is exactly what had happened prior to Vancouver 2011 (serious ITB freeze up to the point of almost not being able to walk). While last year was my first marathon and I didn't treat the condition seriously, this year I got to physio right away for several sessions, modified my training and did more stretching at home. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, it never fully calmed down and was still lingering on race morning. 
While I'd only ran two marathons up to this point, I already had some hard won lessons to incorporate into my race preparation. Dealing with injuries promptly was one, fuelling well was another, but most importantly was pacing. The last 10-12kms ofVictoria Marathon 2011 were the hardest kms I've ever logged. 
I really wanted a 3:35 finish this time and was getting in the headspace in the week prior, but I knew if my knee wasn't 100% it was going to be a long shot. Other than injuries my training had been going well and my recent half marathon PB indicated it shouldn't be an unreasonable goal.  

Race Report: BMO April Fools Half Marathon - April 1st, 2012

Half Marathon - Gibsons to Sechelt, BC (
Short version: I ran. Had fun. Got PB. Enjoyed sun. Drank beer.
We decided to take the car so we could go and explore after the race so woke up ridiculously early to make the ferry. Made a reservation but as it turns out there weren’t all that many people leaving at 7:20am on a Sunday morning anyway. Ah well, better safe than sorry, and at least there was actually a Blenz open at that uncivilized hour.
Weather was mainly overcast and cool. Perfect. Once on the ferry though I started hearing murmurs of “snow in Sechelt.” That would just make it more interesting. (Turns out any snow had long since disappeared by the time we got there).
I went in to the race hoping to meet my PB from Scotia Half last year (1:38:22). The Vancouver First Half Half Marathon in February was my“testing the waters post-injury” run, where I felt pretty comfortable running a 1:41:52. I’ve been running well since then and all injuries seem to have settled down, so I figured I was up for a strong race. 

2011 Recap (December 2011)

2011 stats:
Total Mileage - 2180km

Nov 12th - Energizer Night Race 10k - 44:39
Oct 9th - Goodlife Victoria Marathon 3:45:06 (PB) 
Jul 21st - Summerfast 10k - 43:22 (PB) 
Jun 26th - Scotiabank Half Marathon - 1:38:16 (PB) 
Jun 15th - North Shore Credit Union Longest Day - 10k 47:55
May 1st - BMO Vancouver Marathon - 4:22:00
While I’ve run regularly since my first 10k race in 2007, it is 2011 that will be known as the year I actually “started running.”  (Coincidentally, 2011 is also the first year I used my entire extended health benefit on physio)
I ran my first half marathon in the fall of 2010 and started mulling the idea of running a full marathon in 2011. Through a lucky twist of fate while chatting with a  neighbour in January 2011 I found out about a Running Room Marathon Clinic that had just started. I’d never considered a running clinic before and certainly didn’t realize the amount of training actually required to prepare to run 26.2 miles.

Goodlife Victoria Marathon - October 9th, 2011

Second Marathon - More lessons to integrate
The Good: 3:45:06 finish - 37 minute PB over first marathon (BMO Vancouver in May). Gorgeous day for a race - slightly overcast, no wind, bit of sun. No injuries. Beautiful course. Amazing volunteers. 
The Bad: Poor planning for pacing. Big struggle for last half. 
Ah, the cardinal sin of inexperience: going out too quick off the start. I didn't think I was going out too strong. Mathew and I planned to run at least the first half of the race together to keep ourselves in check. Pacing at a steady 4:50 (with a few quicker downhill km's) it felt achievable. (In the back of my mind I pictured wings on my feet, soaring in at my McMillan 5k projection of 3:22). I knew going in that I should've paced the first half to be a little slower than the back and I was aiming for 3:30. Apparently my math is not very good. 
First 10k felt great but as we started getting further out the rolling course definitely took more energy at the pace I was keeping than I was expecting. The slow steady climb up to and through the golf course at 17-18km started taking it's toll. Not hilly, just consisent rolling grades. Even at halfway point I was starting to feel the burn. Was still managing to keep 4:50-ish pace. The one and a half km section up to the turnaround seemed to just keep going.

BMO Vancouver - Marathon #1 - The First Cut is the Deepest? (May 2011)

Wake up at 5:30am race day after an expected restless sleep. Fortunately my clothing, timing chip, bib, band-aids, are laid out and ready to go. Have an orange and some oatmeal at around 6am. Leah keeps me focused and gives me pep talks.
Literally yesterday just getting over a brutal cold that lingered over the last two weeks of tapering. Hardly any running. Missed the last couple of longer runs (which would've probably given me a strong warning to take my ITB issue more seriously. I knew I was tensing up in the last 32k and had to walk the last bit of the next 23k but hoped with a couple weeks of taper time, a couple solid massages and increased stretching it would've settled down).
Absolutely beautiful morning, one of the best we've had all spring. If I wasn't running we would've been out finding a patio to have a coffee on for sure.