Saturday, 11 May 2013

2012 Running Recap

Total km's - 1983
February 12 - Vancouver First Half - Half Marathon 1:41:42 
April 1 - April Fools Half Marathon (Gibsons) 1:37:34 (PB) 
May 6 - BMO Vancouver Marathon 42.2k - 3:48:44 
June 9 - 5 PEAKS Trail Series - Alice Lake 11k - 1:12:38 
July 14 - Siskiyou Out Back (SOB) 50k (trail) - 6:07 
September 9 - COHO Run - 14k - 1:00:14
October 7 - Portland Marathon  42.2k - 3:27:58 (PB)
December 1 - Gunner Shaw Memorial 10k (cross country) - 44:29 
Considering I came into 2012 recovering from a nasty hamstring/groin injury, it turned out to be a pretty great year of running. Once I started compiling my list I was also surprised to find that I ran more races than in 2011. 
It was definitely another year of learning and improving as I found myself going deeper down the rabbit hole of distance running. I didn't have a real plan or goal going into 2012, other than to run another couple marathons and attempt to improve my times.

Turns out nutrition was a key focus for 2012. I knew after hitting the wall again at Vancouver marathon, my 3rd marathon, that I needed to do some more research to figure it out, especially before attempting my first 50k trail race. I found I wasn't fueling or hydrating enough during races, but also not focusing enough on overall nutrition.
During the summer and leading up to the 50k a confluence of factors in what I was watching and reading lead me to focus on a plant-based diet. Books like Brendan Brazier's Thrive series, Rich Roll's Finding Ultra, and Scott Jurek's Eat & Run, as well as the movies Forks Over Knives and Fat Sick & Nearly Dead really opened my eyes to the power of good nutrition. The first and probably most effective change was adding a green smoothie to my diet every morning. 
I know that the focus on nutrition helped to propel me to my strongest marathon and a PB in Portland in October. 
For 2013 I'm looking forward to taking over the Running Room marathon clinic fromGreg. He lead three great sessions and I have some (literally) big shoes to fill. I also intend to focus on my core strength as my next big challenge. I hope to get in as many races as possible and attempt to get some new PB's. 
Here's to a strong, fast, happy and healthy 2013! 

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