Next week I have Lewis from Peak Centre for Human Performance coming to speak to my marathon clinic and, quite by coincidence, they were offering a promotion as part of the Scotiabank Half Marathon Expo this weekend. I’ve been thinking about getting the testing done recently anyway so took up the opportunity. It also seemed a great way to share my experience with the clinic group. (Ed.note - I did some research by looking up the footage of Karl running the test during the Running Vancouver series, Episode 2).
I met Lewis at the Peak booth at the Scotia Half Marathon Expo, and he gave me a rundown of the process. I’ve never used a treadmill before so it took about 10 minutes to start feeling comfortable as I warmed up. (Fortunately no mishaps of flinging me across the room or anything). Once I did an easy 20 minute warm-up, Lewis took a baseline blood test to start from and then we stopped and got me into the awesome head gear that holds the breathing tube and mask.
The Peak booth was set-up right next to the expo presentation stage and just as I was getting started again the Elite panel was taking the stage to share their experience. Unfortunately I was facing the other direction but at least I could listen to their combined wisdom for distraction while running faster and faster in place.
Every three minutes or so blood was taken, while still moving, and then the pace increased. It’s pretty interesting how it seems easy for quite a bit of it and then how suddenly in the last couple of tempo increases it becomes a real challenge to keep up. The Peak team was great at motivating me to keep it going but then, as I was starting to run crooked and lose my posture and breath like a beast, it was time to call it quits (after about 20 minutes or so, I think).
I look forward to getting my results early this week and then meet up with Lewis prior to the presentation on Thursday to go over them and figure out how I can use and improve them.
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